Mary Law Taster Day |
This page will be live from 1st March 2008. This web-page is for people wishing to attend a Law Taster Day at Queen Mary, University of London on 12th March 2008, and later sessions too. The day was directed by Helena Howe, now of the Sussex Law School, and included sessions by Helena Howe and Alastair Hudson. The purpose of the Law Taster Day is to give you an idea of what studying law will involve. In the links below you will find a timetable for the day, materials for a seminar to be led by Alastair Hudson (you should read these materials in advance of that session to give yourself an idea of what studying law involves), and two podcasts (one with Helena Howe and Alastair Hudson explaining the Law Taster Day and the other by Alastair Hudson giving you some issues to think about from the assigned reading). |
Timetable | Click here |
Pre-reading for Helena Howe's seminar | Click here |
Pre-reading for Alastair Hudson's seminar | Click here |
Recording of Alastair Hudson's lecture, February 2010 for Redbridge Sixth Formers |
Click here |