how to study law

Podcasts: starting studying law

How to get the most out of studying law

Access to Justice lecture

Statutory Interpretation lecture

Court structure lecture

Lectures: how to get the most out of lectures

Lectures: what a lecturer is trying to do in lectures

Seminars: how to get the most out of seminars

Studying: "read more and think; write fewer notes"

The ethic of being a law student, and a welcome


Working on your own legal skills (text):-

What it means to be a law student

What are seminars for?

Taking notes

How to write an essay

Tips for exams

Working on your own legal skills (podcasts):-


How to study law (text)

"On the Study of Law"

(Introduction to a book i am writing on studying at law school)

Key hints for law students

What do I call people?

What is the point of this degree?

Whose responsibility is my degree?

Why do I have to go to class and do all the reading?


The Ideal of a University Law School

Teaching theory or teaching substantive law

What do academics do?


This section of the website is intended to help students of law with their studies and to give them an insight into the way in which university law schools function: understanding how your law school operates will help you succeed in your legal education.

This section is divided under the following headings:-

  • learning the law
  • how to improve your study skills
  • the ideal of a university law school - a growing e-book
  • frequently asked questions
  • practical exercises to help improve your skill

This area of the site will grow during 2009 and 2010. It will include an on-line video tutorial on how to take notes in lectures, and what sorts of material law students should be trying to get out of lectures; it will also include a new type of assessment where instead of being given hypothetical sets of facts you will be presented with dummy documents, recordings of the characters voices, etc., and asked instead to puzzle out the facts for yourself and then give advice.

The purpose of all of this is not meant to be simply gimmickry, but instead is intended to try to identify what sorts of teaching styles, learning styles and so on suit different types of student. That you are even reading this part of this site suggests that you are looking for a new way to do all of this. I am trying to find what sorts of methods work well with what sorts of students.





Please note that clicking on a vidcast will re-direct you to Alastair Hudson's channel on the YouTube website.

A love of legal language and history - click here