finance law podcasts


There are numerous podcasts available to you:-

(1) Podcasts supporting my book The Law of Finance are set out below. These podcasts will be particularly useful for my finance law students and for those who are new to finance law. All references are to Alastair Hudson, The Law of Finance, 1e, Sweet & Maxwell, 2009.

(2) For podcasts explaining basic financial concepts ("the talking glossary"), click here.

(3) For a list of vidcasts on the financial system, click here.

(4) For podcasts discussing the "credit crunch", click here.

(5) For "radio" podcasts simplifying financial issues, click here.

For the finance law general index page, click here.


The Law of Finance 1st ed. - supporting podcasts

These podcasts are not complete lectures and are not intended to be used as a replacement for reading. They are definitely not intended to be used commercially by anyone. They are available for use by students and others whether they are Queen Mary students or not.

The different types of podcasts used here:-

The "Introdutory Podcast" is a brief introduction to the key themes in this topic (5 - 10 mins).

The "Lecture Podcast" is a recording of all of my LLB Law of Finance lectures at Queen Mary College from October 2009 through March 2010 (50 mins approx).

The "Pathway Podcast" is intended either as an incitement to conduct research in a particular area or as a more concentrated explanation of a particular point than was possible in the lecture.

The "Seminar Summary" is a summary of the key points to be taken away from LLB Law of Finance seminars (10 - 20 mins).

Podcast title and subject
Introductory podcast
Pathway podcast
Seminar summary


(1) Foundations of the law of finance


Introduction to the law of finance click here

1: Introduction - click here

What is the law of finance?   2: The construction of the law of finance - click here    
The organisation of private law click here      
Finance as "the wherewithal to act" click here      
Risk in the law of finance click here      
Types of financial risk click here      
A lecture on the basics of financial products: 2008/09   Introduction to financial products    
Seminar 1 summary       click here
What is money?        


(2) Financial regulation fundamentals


Lecture on financial regulatory basics   3: Financial regulatory fundamentals, EU & UK - click here    
Lecture on financial regulatory basics   4: Financial regulatory fundamentals, and products - click here    
Lecture demonstration of FSA Handbook   Click here    
Lecture reminder of structure of financial regulatory structure   Click here    
9 ideas about financial regulation     click here  
A summary of some of the themes which arise out of the current structure of financial regulation        
Seminar summary       click here
Writing essays on financial regulation on the LLB Law of Finance course.     click here  


(3) Conduct of business regulation


Client classification click here      

Lecture 1: Conduct of business 1

  5: Conduct of business 1 - click here    
Lecture 2: Conduct of business 2   6: Conduct of business 2 - click here    
Are conduct of business obligations also fiduciary obligations? click here      
Seminar summary 1       click here
Seminar summary 2       click here


Key theme: the inter-action of financial regulation and private law


Bankers Trust v Dharmala and the idea of suitability in COBS     click here  
JP Morgan Chase v Springwell, Morgan Stanley v Puglisi and the use of regulatory standards     click here  
Cowan de Groot v Eagle Trust, dishonest assistance and knowing receipt     click here  
Peekay v ANZ, creating contracts and the COBS requirements     click here  


(4) Criminal law: insider dealing & money laundering


The role of criminal law in finance law        
Insider dealing 1 - introduction click here      
Insider dealing 2 - the s.52 offences click here      
Insider dealing 3 - why criminalise it? click here      
Insider dealing 4 - market manipulation click here      
Lecture 1: Role of criminal law in finance & market abuse regulation   7: Role of criminal law in finance & market abuse regulation - click here    
Lecture 2: Insider dealing (i)   8: Insider dealing (i) - click here    
Lecture 3: Insider dealing (ii)   9: Insider dealing (ii) - click here    
Lecture 4: Money laundering   10: Money laundering - click here    


(5) Contract law and finance


Lecture 1: The roots of contract law in finance, and the creation of contracts (inc Peekay)   click here    
Lecture 2: Misrepresentation and the ANZ v Peekay case   click here    
Lecture 3: Master agreements, their use and their basic structure   click here    
Lecture 4: The negotiation process, mistake, misrepresentation, etc.   click here    
Lecture 5: The local authority swaps litigation and the lessons for contract law in finance   click here    
Lecture 6: UCTA and Office of Fair Trading v Abbey National, SC   click here    
Lecture 7: Taking security in financial contracts   click here    
Lecture 8: (fragment): remedies in outline   click here    
Note: the overlap between conduct of business regulation and contract law     click here  


(6) Lending: syndicated lending, and bonds


Lending - introduction click here      
Basic loan covenants click here      
Acceleration on breach of a loan covenant click here      
Negative pledge and pari passu click here      
Syndicated loans - introduction click here      
Syndicated loans - structures click here      
Bonds - introduction click here      
Bonds - operation click here      
What is the best analysis of the obligations of a fiduciary in a syndicated loan or bond: trustee or agent? click here      
Lecture 1: overview   click here    
Lecture 2: the principles of accounting   click here    
Lecture 3: (not live) covenants   click here    
Lecture 4: (not live) syndicated lending   click here    
Lecture 4: (not live) bonds   click here    


(7) Securities regulation


The Core of Securities Regulation - An Introduction click here      
Offers to the public click here      
Prospectus regulation 1 click here      
Prospectus regulation 2 click here      
Prospectus regulation 3 click here      
Prospectus regulation 4 click here      
Prospectus regulation 5 click here      
Persons responsible for prospectus click here      
Listing regulation 1 click here      
Listing regulation 2 click here      
Prospectus problem outline click here      
Prospectus problems 1-4       click here
Prospectus problem 5       click here
Lecture 1   Click here    
Lecture 2   Click here    
Lecture 3   Click here    
Lecture 4   Click here    
Lecture 5   Click here    


(8) Tort in Finance Law


Lecture 1 - fraud   Click here    
Lecture 2 - undue influence and negligence 1   Click here    
Lecture 3 - negligence 2   Click here    


(9) Breach of Fiduciary Duty, Dishonest Assistance and Unconscionable Receipt


Lecture 1 - nature of fiduciary obligations   Click here    
Lecture 2 - Introduction & Dishonest assistance   Click here    
Lecture 3 - Dishonest assistance   Click here    
Lecture 4 - Knowing / unconscionable receipt   Click here    
Lecture 5 - Tracing   Click here    
Seminar summary       Click here


(10) The banker-customer relationship


Introduction to the key issues in the banker-customer relationship Click here      
Lecture 1   Click here    
Lecture 2   Click here    
Lecture 3   Click here    
Seminar summary      

Click here; and here



(11) Banking regulation and the Financial Crisis


"Obama versus Wall St" - the mooted proposals, January 2010   Click here    
Lecture 1: the banking regulation system, Basel II   Click here    
Lecture 2: the Banking Act 2009   Click here    
Lecture 3: the Banking Act 2009; and commentaries on two documentaries   1, 2, 3    
Lecture 4: the credit crunch and the challenge for law   Click here    
Queen Mary Law Society: "The Global Recession - global capital, epistemology and the gap where law should be"; 11 March 2010     Click here  


(12) Financial Derivatives


Lecture 1   Click here    
Lecture 2   Click here    
Lecture 3   Click here    
Lecture 4   Click here    


Theoretical overviews of finance law


What is finance? (Pt 1)   Click here   Click here
What is finance? (Pt 2)   Click here   Click here
What is finance law? An exercise in "concepts" and "contexts"   Click here   Click here
The seven categories of finance in private law   Click here   Click here
The final assessment format as explained in the lecture   Click here    
Topics outside the LLB course
Financial derivatives        
Termination of financial derivatives        
Collective investment schemes        
Communal investment models        
Friendly societies        
Credit unions