england's dreaming:

equity, conscience and trust

England's dreaming was my inaugural lecture, setting out a manifesto for my role as Professor of Equity & Law. It was delivered on Tuesday 11th March 2008 in the Masons Lecture Theatre, in the Francis Bancroft Building at Queen Mary, University of London. The lecture that was delivered that night is contained in the first podcast listed below. The other podcasts go into some of the ideas in a little more depth and contain a lot of information which could not be accommodated in the final lecture, together with a number of supporting documents setting out many of the ideas in writing.

the dawn of the iconoclast
The Lecture, as delivered 11th March 2008 Click here
A fireside chat: England's dreaming Click here
Written materials  

The references for the lecture (the hand-out)

Click here

Supporting text: England's dreaming: equity, conscience and trust

Click here
The trust as an equitable response Click here
Equity, social justice and individualization Click here
The unbearable lightness of property Click here
The ordering of trusts Click here
Supporting podcasts  
Overture (the music you can hear at the start is "Dawn of the Iconoclast" by Dead Can Dance.) Click here
The dream Click here
Shortcomings with restitution of unjust enrichment Click here
Shortcomings with Lloyds Bank v Rosset Click here
Rationality in modern property law Click here
What constructive trusts can do that restitution cannot Click here
The feasibility of a legal conscience Click here
Equity and finance Click here
Equity in the other social sciences Click here
Finale Click here

a picture of Alastair just before the lecture started,

looking out at a very kind and excited audience ->





"there's no future in england's dreaming" - J Lydon